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                     Intuitive Readings

Psychic, Intuitive & Tarot Readings in Bucks County, PA click left 
(see our special rates for loyal long-term savings)
Connect with DorothyO for a tarot or intuitive reading. During the pandemic, readings are conducted by phone. The Tarot images convey patterns in life through images and stories. Readings can help us transcend unconsciousness, repetitive patterns that keep us stuck. Readings can provide clarity in reasons for past events. This awareness can assist in avoiding current and future mistakes, and in understanding - enabling us to move forward. Historical or psychological, the readings can provide insight and inspiration for decision making and comprehension. Topics include career, money, health, love and more. Readings can be in-person or telephonic.
Professional or Personal Writing and Editing Services
I can be your scribe...
Is there something you need to say? Be empowered with the aid of a professional writer. Whether a wedding speech or vows of love, a letter of apology, a letter to a company, a performance rebuttal to the boss's appraisal... my writing and editing services can convey the exact thought you have in mind. Have you been writing and need a professional review of your work? Every book published has a good editor. Your script, speech or letter should, too.