
Are you growing in a positive light?

Intuitives have been called on throughout the ages to support royalty, politicians and many other leaders needing to make key decisions. There are varied techniques to divine future potential and it is often in hindsight that we look back and readings have particular acuracy that make them endearing.


Do keep in mind that readings are for entertainment purposes and you should always use your own due diligence in decision making. You, too, have intuitive abilities that exist whether you have (or have not) yet to tap into them..

NOTE: During the pandemic, contactless readings are conducted by phone.. 


(I'm looking forward to speaking with you :)

Pre-payment is expected for intuitive readings.

Half Hour Intuitive Reading to address your questions & concerns
15-minute intuitive mini reading / follow up (by telephone only)
45-minute intuitive reading
60 MINUTE Intuitive Consult